An important milestone was achieved in the preparation and publication of the Lincolnshire Wolds AONB Management Plan (2018-23)
This is a statutory requirement and the Plan was endorsed by the JAC in April 2018 and has been adopted by all of the principal local authorities: Lincolnshire County Council, East Lindsey District Council, West Lindsey District Council and North East Lincolnshire Council.
This follows an extensive peer review, Have Your Say questionnaire and detailed public consultation which helped to review not only the special qualities of the Lincolnshire Wolds, but the pressures and forces for change. Despite the significant challenges facing all of the UK's protected landscape family, with added pressures through these difficult economic times and the uncertainties of Brexit, the Management Plan sets out an agreed five-year Strategy and Action Plan.
We take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped provide advice, views and contributions throughout the Plan's development.